Do you want to switch to coloring but are still unsure? You will find all the answers to your questions here.

1- I have just ordered a box from coloring in Paris. I would have liked to order in two stages, is this possible?

Your formula is elaborated according to your online diagnosis with the following information:

  • Choice of the 3 colours you like and dislike on the colour chart*, 
  • The photos of your hair that you sent us.
  • A plant formula is made according to the color you have (hence the request for the photo).

However, if you wish to change your box formula color, we will need your photos again:

  • 1 photo of the top of the head (roots)
  •  1 photo of the back (your length)
  • They should be taken outside in daylight but not in direct sunlight, nor by indoor lights that alter your true indoor lights that alter your true color and distort the diagnosis.

After that, we will work out a new formula if your request is feasible 😊


Biocoiff' colour chart coloring

*The colours on the colour chart do not correspond to specific formulas or pigments in the range.

These images allow us to understand what you like and dislike.

It allows us to establish whether your application is possible in plant or not.

Reds, purples, greys, as well as lightening or fading, are not possible in the plant.


2- The color I had chosen is impossible to achieve because it is too light but I don't want to be too dark. What solution do you have to offer me for a nice result?

During your diagnosis, you requested a lighter color than the one you are currently wearing.

As plant-based cannot clarify, we are unable to respond to this request.

Currently you have strands blondes made with bleaching powder.

It is possible to colour these strands in different ways so as not to make them too dark.

We can use highlights golden blond, Venetian blond or copper blond.

strand copper

But if you want to darken your strands, you will automatically have to include an indigo pigment.

This will prevent you from re-lighting or re-scanning/strands.

As your first request was to clarify, I strongly advise you against this option for the time being, as you may find yourself going too far.

If you are interested in warm highlights (golden blonds, copper blonds, Venetian blonds), I invite you to redo your diagnosis online.

You can choose the different highlights likes and dislikes from the colour chart.

Please also mention in the comments that you would still like to be able to do sweeps.


3- I'm about to order a new box color to make a new coloring . I find that the effect of my last coloring did not last very long. After 2 months, I could see a few white hairs that had been coloured. So should I change my formula (from color )?

coloring is a coloring that grows and binds around the hair due to the naturally acidic pH of the hair's keratin.

The appearance of previously coloured white hair 

  1. Your formula is too clear (= if it is, you can see it from the beginning),
  2. The mixture was made with too much waterwhich diluted the color,
  3. The application of color was not done in thick layers with fine separations (= lack of product = thinner sheathing and therefore fades more quickly),
  4. The shampoo you are using is not not adapted (pH, too aggressive ingredients ...), which can "scratch" the color with each shampoo and make it fade,
  5. The styling or care products you use contain film-forming agents, silicones or other derivatives that are occlusive. They create a film that reduces the hold and durability of the color,
  6. The hair scales are weakened due to a lack of moisturising and nourishing care, or following the taking of medication, which limits the durability of the color over time,
  7. Or maybe it has been along time since the color has been lengthened.In this case it is a normal and natural lightening (summer, sun, sea)

Change the formula to coloring

Don't forget that coloring also preserves the hair's nuances and that when there is white hair, it is always a little lighter than other dark hair 😊

Application coloring

So from the indications you have given us, I don't think this is the formula that needs to be changed.

You can also send us photos:

  •  1 photo of the top of the head (roots)
  •  1 photo of the back (your length)
  • They should be taken outside in daylight but not in direct sunlight, nor by indoor lights that alter your true indoor lights that alter your true color ; so that we can observe your hair in more detail.


4 - Is it possible to change from color to coloring ?

The colours on the colour chart do not correspond to specific formulas or pigments in the range.

These images allow us to understand what you like and dislike.

It allows us to establish whether your application is possible in plant or not.

Reds, purples, greys, as well as lightening or fading, are not possible in the plant.

Changing the reflection of the color in plant-based is possible if it is a small change (= highlights more or less golden, more or less coppery, more or less intense).

Changing the pitch of the color (from light to dark or vice versa), is possible to darken.

The plant-based does not clarify.

So be careful if you go too darkyou will have to wait for the hair to grow back.

The darker part, coloured in plant-based can no longer be lightened, even with chemistry (=risk of green reflection which cannot be removed).


5- I am coming to you after the application of the usual color , which despite being applied in the same way as the previous ones, did not work. I have the impression that after rinsing the 2nd application, the very light orange color of the 1st application remained as it was. Usually, after the second application, my roots are dark brown with a green tinge, which dissipates within 24 hours.

Poor coverage of the 2nd beat can be due to several things:

  1. Either the formula is too clear,
  2. Either it is a protocol error :
    - too much water in the mixturetoo much water in the mixture, which diluted the color,
    - Not enough product deposited in the roots, or too thick a separation (= lack of product) lack of product)
    - Too short pause time.

According to the indications you have given us, since it is the same formula you use and it usually takes well, it is possible that the error is in the protocol.

coloring natural

To correct the color, you can recommend your box and apply your 2nd step, without forgetting to leave your conditioner on for at least 15 minutes, RACINES lengths and tips, on towel-dried hair, in order to preserve the concentration and effectiveness of the treatment.


6- Can you tell me if there is the clay treatment in the box? Because I don't know if I should use the clay mask several times, at least at the beginning, or if once is enough to detoxify my hair...

The clay shampoo-mask is to be used before a coloring in order to remove from the hair the occlusive residues (silicones, film-forming agents and derivatives), which could act as a barrier to the setting of the color.

If you have been using our shampoos and care products since your color , which ensure that the composition is suitable for the care of your color, there is no need to do it again. It would be too purifying for your hair.

If you use other products and styling products such as waxes, thermal products or others, if they contain these so-called occlusive components, it would be better to do it again from time to time.

You will find it on sale at one of our partners

or on our online shop


7- I went to a salon in Paris for my last coloring but I find that the color is too dark, what can I do?

The coloring plant-based product cannot lighten the hair.

In order for us to be able to answer your request more precisely, I invite you to send us photos of your current hair:

  •  1 photo of the top of the head (roots)
  •  1 photo of the back (your length)
  • They should be taken outside in daylight but not in direct sunlight, nor by indoor lights that alter your true
    indoor lights that alter your true color and distort the diagnosis.

coloring tone-on-tone plant

Please also indicate the 3 colours you like and dislike on this
colour chart*, so that we can see if your request is feasible in vegetable 😊

*The colours on the colour chart do not correspond to specific formulas or pigments in the range. They are suggested images to help us understand your likes and dislikes, so we can determine if your request is possible in vegetable or not.
Reds, purples, greys, as well as lightening or fading are not possible in vegetable.


8 - I have already had a coloring done in a Biocoiff' salon and I would like to order with the same color that I had done in the salon.

For your color we need to make a diagnosis.

You can do it online here By answering the questions and attaching photos of your hair:

  •  1 photo of the top of the head (roots)
  •  1 photo of the back (your length)
  •  They should be taken outside in daylight but not in direct sunlight, nor by indoor lights that alter your true color and distort the diagnosis.


9 - I did not receive any indication in my Box color, is this normal?

We apologise for the lack of a protocol sheet: click here

Application guide coloring plant


10 - If I have white hair, I must be in two stages to optimize the hold of the color, right?

White hair coverage

The coloring always covers white hair 😊, unless there is an error in protocol, formula, application or a product on the hair that is a barrier to the development of color.

The difference between the 1-step protocol (1 application = 1 bag),

and the 2-step protocol (2 applications = 2 sachets),

this is done according to your current color : whether you want to have shades or not and whether you need to darken a lot or not.

The shades are possible with white hair or if you have previously highlighted hair.

To find out, during your online diagnosis we asked you to choose from a colour chart*, 3 colours that you like and don't like and to send us photos of your hair.

If a 1-stage protocol was sent to you, it is because your objective was to have a nuanced and not uniform color .

White hair still visible?

If this is the case and white hairs are still visible, this can be due to several things:

  1. Your formula is too clear (= if it is, you can see it from the beginning),
  2. The mixture was made with too much waterwhich diluted the color,
  3. The application of color was not done in thick layers with fine separations (= lack of product = thinner sheathing and therefore fades more quickly),
  4. The shampoo you are using is not not adapted (pH, too aggressive ingredients ...), which can "scratch" the color with each shampoo and make it fade,
  5. The styling or care products you use contain film-forming agents, silicones or other derivatives that are occlusive, creating a film that decreases the grip and durability of color,
  6. The hair scales are weakened due to a lack of moisturising and nourishing care, or following the use of medication, which limits the durability of the color over time


11 - I would like to order a box color : will it correspond to the color that I usually get in the salon ?

Since you have already been to our salon, your color is recorded in a personal file,

filled in by the hairdresser when you visit.

If your visit to the salon is recent, and there have been no changes to your color in the meantime, either by you or another hairdresser, you can order your box here:

You will love it

However, if there have been any changes to color or if you wish to modify it, it is best to make a new diagnosis by sending us your photos, so that we can be sure to send you the right formula.

For your online diagnosis: click here

  •  1 photo of the top of the head (roots)
  •  1 photo of the back (your length)
  •  They should be taken outside in daylight but not in direct sunlight, nor by indoor lights that alter your true color.


12- I have just applied my color and I have hot highlights , should I be worried?


Applying a plant-based coloring alone is not easy because it requires a specific technique to be

make sure to cover all the hair 😊

  •  Fine separations,
  •  Apply the product as a poultice to envelop all the hair,
  •  And don't put any further than the roots, otherwise you run the risk of creating different coloured bars or unwanted highlights .

The highlights yellow

The highlights YELLOW on white hair are normal on the day 😊 as it takes several hours (48H) to allow the color to develop and darken.
If they persist it may be :

  1. Your formula is too clear (= if it is, you can see it from the beginning),
  2. The mixture was made with too much waterwhich diluted the color,
  3. The application of color was not done in thick layers with fine separations (= lack of product = thinner sheathing and therefore fades more quickly),
  4. The shampoo you are using is not not adapted (pH, too aggressive ingredients ...), which can "scratch" the color with each shampoo and make it fade


Biocoiff' result

The highlights red/orange

The highlights RED/ORANGE can be linked to several things:

  1. Application time too long = so pause time too long
  2. Mixing water too hot (do not exceed 50°)
  3. The application goes beyond the roots
  4. The 1st shampoo was not done 48 hours after the color,
  5. Shampoos, treatments and other hair products are not suitable.
  6. Medication or heavy treatment can change the pH of the hair and cause the color to turn brown.

If one or more of the situations seem to fit you, do not hesitate to come back to us so that we can help you more precisely.


13 - Despite my box color, I find that my old highlight comes out, what can I do?

Applying a plant-based coloring on its own is not easy as it requires a specific technique to make sure to cover all the hair 😊

  •  Fine separations,
  •  Apply the product as a poultice to envelop all the hair,  
  • And be sure to follow all the protocol and the water dosage.

Without this, there may be gaps or transparency.

application coloring plant

The more colours you do, the more you layer the applications, the darker you will make it, especially if you put it on the lengths every time.

But we mustn't forget that when you go for it at plant-based, you can't go back to light afterwards.

Indeed, the indigo pigment which allows to darken comes out green if we try to lighten it.

However, if you wish to have a new color, it is important to have a new diagnosis.

With this, our colourists adapt the formula to your current color and your objective (the old formula is no longer suitable).


14 - You have offered me a box coloring. If afterwards I just want to color is it possible?

The application kit is offered to you in order to provide you with the necessary material for an optimal use 😊

However, if you are already equipped, you can ask that it not be added in your next boxes, so that we can notify it on your form which will inform the preparers.

To request it, please indicate it in the comments of your next order 😊


15 - I would like to order my first box color, I have already done my diagnosis but I wanted to know what coloring powders are used, is it henna?

Certification of the Bioccoiff' plant coloring

The colorings Biocoiff are colorings 100% plant-basedfrom organic agriculture ORGANIC and CERTIFIED


These labels ensure that the composition is free of without any chemical substances.

For example, these substances arePPD, sodium picramate or other metal salts.

They are contained in certain colorings in powders called " plant-based " or "Natural" which are more familiarly called "Henna". Synthetic Henna ".


Natural henna (Lawsonia Inermis from its botanical name), offering a coppery color , is a pure plant that is used in ALL colorings 100% vegetable.

Indeed, it is the one that allows the fixation of the other plant pigments on the hair, which allows the different colours.

color natural

It is not a problem to do a chemical coloring or a highlight after a coloring 100% vegetable, composed of this Natural Henna.

Unlike Synthetic Henna which would burn your hair when in contact with chemicals.

GOOD TO KNOW : If you want to darken your hair with plants, the plant that allows you to do so is INDIGO (Indigofera is its botanical name).

If you find yourself too dark after this color and want to lighten with a chemical coloring or a highlight (=strands), the indigo will prevent you from doing so because its lightening will cause green highlights .

IMPORTANT: coloring cannot lighten hair If you like to regularly change your color from a darker shade to a lighter shade, we advise you to think carefully before switching to plant-based , which will not be able to offer you this possibility.


16 - How often should I do my coloring ?

For the FREQUENCY application; coloring clings very well to the hair and does not wash out (or very little).

The maintenance of the roots is done according to your needs.

Lengthening on the lengths is rare due to its long lasting nature. Moreover, repeated lengthening would darken the color unnecessarily and it could not be lightened afterwards.


17 - How many color can I do with the color box?

The box color contains a standard dose for 1 full head application.


18 - As I cannot take a coloring in lighter tones, what shades would you recommend? And could I have the composition please?

The coloring 100% vegetable allows you to bring to your color of the highlights : Gilded, Copper, Mahogany.

The plants we use vary depending on the type of color we want to achieve as well as the person's application base. They are Ayurvedic plants, dyes, such as natural Henna for orange (Lawsonia), Indigo for blue (Indigofera), neutral Henna (Cassia Italica) etc...

Biocoiff' colour chart coloring

So that we can tell you if the colours you like are possible in plants compared to your current color , please indicate on the colour chart below, the 3 colours you like and the 3 colours you don't like.

Please also attach photos of your hair, taken outside in the shade (no photos indoors or in the sun).

NB: It is not possible to obtain a lighter color than the one you have, nor to obtain red, purple or grey. If, however, these are the colours you like on the colour chart, only chemistry can meet your requirements.


19 - I'm still hesitating to order my box, because a year ago I had already tried colorings plant-based (Khadi & Aromazone brand) in shades of blonde and I had a lot of highlights red hair due to the henna, especially on my white hair, and I didn't like it at all. I chose the shade L03 for the Biocoiff box, can you tell me if I'm likely to have red hair again highlights ?

The colorings 100% plant-based are made of a plant called natural Henna = ORANGE PIGMENT.

This plant is the basis of ALL colorings 100% vegetable as it has the function of providing the base for ALL variations of highlights and also allows other pigments to set on the hair.

Without natural orange henna, no coloring is possible.

It is the combination of orange henna and other pigments that provides a varied palette of colours.

For the same formula, the result can be more or less orange depending on the temperature of the water in your mixture, the time you take to apply it, the total pause time, as well as the shampoos and treatments you use.

The use of medication is also a factor in the development of undesirable highlights , despite the correct formula being established.

If you are having trouble getting the color you want, we invite you to make an appointment with one of our salons for a more in-depth diagnosis.


20 - What do I need to know before switching to coloring ?

  1. Yes, I can do a coloring on my chemically chemically coloured hair or with a highlight (strands ).
  2. The plant-based does not lighten. If I find my current color too dark, I won't be able to lighten it.
  3. I would not be able to bleach (=sweep/strands) my coloring vegetable hair if it contains indigo. If I do, my hair will be green. I will have to wait until my hair grows back to change color.
  4. I could bleach (=sweep/strands) my coloring if it does not containindigo
  5. I can make a chemicalcoloring after a coloring plant
  6. Red, purple, grey, bluish black or pastel colours are not possible in 100% vegetable.

If you have a specific request, we advise you to make an appointment with one of our vegetalpartner colourists, so that they can carry out your hair diagnosis.

You can find their different addresses on this link:


21 - What is the purpose of the products contained in the box?

Preparatory shampoo : Gently removes dust and oil residues.

Clay mask shampoo: Cleanses the hair and scalp of occlusive residues such as silicones.

organic clay shampoo

Colouring pigments added to water: Colours the hair by creating a protective sheath around fiber and purifies the scalp.

Conditioner: Helps to remove the last little grains of the color + moisturises the scalp and the hair that has been purified by the clay and the coloring = facilitates detangling and brings shine and softness.


22- Does coloring have a sheathing effect?

The "thicker hair" effect thicker hair "effect is obtained by the sheathing action of coloring .

This sheathing action is itself obtained thanks to the thickness and regularity of the product applied as a cataplasm.

It coats the hair and forms a colouring and protective sheath which also makes the hair more resistant.

To allow this to happenIt is important that all the hair is well coated, applying well in the direction of the hair scales.

Tip: Apply to the lengths by taking the product directly into your hand to ensure that enough is applied.

If the hair is weakenedIf the hair is fragile, it may take 2 to 3 sessions for the sheath to become sufficiently fixed.

At the same time, it will be very important to moisturise and nourish the hair to keep the scales healthy.

Video tutorial application :


23 - With the Biocoiff' plant-based coloring will I completely cover my white hair?

The coloring plant works by superimposing color (as in drawing).

What makes white hair is an advantage since it gives you the possibility to choose between 2 results :

1/ A shaded color (as if you had made strands lighter to bring light)

2/ A uniform color

In both cases, white hair is covered. They are simply used in a different way 😊


24 - Is it possible to have a pack to make strands and a coloring in Paris?

A formula for coloring is established according to your current and desired color .

You are hesitating between a color uniform or a color with lighter shades brought by strands/sweeps techniques?

We advise you to make an appointment in a Biocoiff' salon, as these techniques can only be performed in a salon 😊


 25 - I am 70 years old, with more than 35 years of chemical coloring behind me, with or without strands depending on the period, and of course I have grey hair: do you think that a coloring plant-based product could be suitable for me, to restore suppleness, strength and shine to my hair?

We naturally lose between 100 and 150 hairs a day, sometimes doubling or tripling at the change of

spring and autumn season.

If the fall is more substantial, it may be due to a scalp :

  • dehydrated,
  • fat,
  • choked by occlusive residues,

This is often the result of unsuitable shampoos that are too scouring and/or too full of occlusive ingredients.

But also because of a lack of care for the scalp, which is too often neglected for fear of making it greasy, and because of chemical actions such as certain colorings, certain straightening techniques etc...

We have hair capital that is depleted over time.

To preserve it, the colorings plant-based are a plus, but they do not replace nourishing or moisturising care.

These are to be done on the hair to allow the hair to be healthy, shiny, soft and supple.

Ayurvedic plants coloring natural

The properties of coloring

1/ Dyeing property colouring Adds highlights to the hair, darkening it if necessary and colouring white hair.

2/ Sheathing sheathing Envelops the hair, creating a protective sheath that limits the consequences of various direct aggressions (= hair dryer, brush, pollution, sun).

3/ Purifying and purifying and stimulating The synergy of the different Ayurvedic plants provides the scalp with toning and purifying properties, favouring its microcirculation. Thanks to this, it promotes hair growth and slows down hair loss.

A decrease in microcirculation is not the only factor in hair loss.


26 - I have been doing colorings plant-based for several months in Paris, I find that my hair is darker than before, is this normal?

The formula for a coloring in Paris is established according to the diagnosis and the photos sent.

Each package is is tailor-made and depends on the current color of your hair.

The formula should be applied according to the advice given.

If you wish to do the same color on your ROOTS that have grown back, you can keep the same formula.

(CAUTION: if you notice the appearance of white hair or a greater amount of white hair, the formula will have to be updated).

If you wish to do the same again color OR change the color on your LENGTHS, you must not apply the same mixture otherwise you will darken your color and have an impression of too light roots.

-> You must make a new diagnosis by sending us a new photo so that we can see how your coloring has evolved, in order to adapt the formula to your needs.

(CAUTION: regularly applying color to your hair will darken your hair. Don't forget that plant-based will not be able to lighten your hair if you find it too dark).


27 - How long before switching to Biocoiff' vegetal coloring ?

If your previous color is less than one month old :

 There are few roots, so making a new color is too early unless you want to change your current color .

In this case, be careful as the overlay of color will darken your current color as plant-based cannot lighten.

If your previous color is more than one month old :

It is preferable to wait at least 1 to 2 months in order to have 1 to 2 cm of root, to avoid the superposition of color on already coloured hair.

coloring biocoiff plant

In the box color, a clay shampoo will be offered, allowing the removal of occlusive residues.

These could act as a barrier to the coloring plant.

There is no time limit between a coloring and a coloring Biocoiff.

It is enough to have roots present to avoid overloading color.


28 - Can you send me a box color from a photo found on the internet?

The coloring plant process is different from the classic oxidation process at coloring .

The plants of the coloring plant clings firmly to the hair thanks to the contact of the naturally acidic pH

Each color obtained is a personalised color that has been developed thanks to your own pH.

We can get closer to the colours you like.

But we will not be able to achieve the same color as you will find on a photo.

However, your request can be forwarded to our colourists.


29 - The coloring vegetal that I made in Paris lasts barely 4 weeks. Is this normal?

The coloring is a coloring which is fixed around the hair, creating a sheath around it.

These pigments are held in place by the naturally acidic pH of the hair's keratin.

On the contrary, the classic colorings oxidations have an alkaline pH.

In the long run, they cause disgorgement.

As a result, the durability of a coloring is longer than that of a conventional coloring .

This good performance depends on 2 things:

  • Hair care given to the hair to maintain the health of the scales. They allow the good adhesion of this colouring sheath.
  • The type of shampoos used, which can alter the sheath of color. Pay attention to their composition.

coloring henna

Moreover, if the shampoo is washed very frequently, it is normal that the washing action of the surfactants contained in a shampoo can have an impact on its durability.

We invite you to make a new diagnosis each time you order a box.

You must attach photos of your hair.

As a result, we can adapt the formula and get closer to your goal color.

In parallel, we invite you to make an appointment in one of our salons in Paris or elsewhere for an in-depth diagnosis.

This will enable them to advise you on the most appropriate shampoos and treatments for you.


30 - I want to order my box color I don't remember the nuance, if I choose to buy my box directly color how can I be sure that it is the same as last time?

Your formula is recorded on your customer file.

So if you want to do the same color on your roots as last time, just order.

If you wish to modify your color, we advise you to make a new diagnosis.

If you want to re-colour your lengths, you should also have a new diagnosis.

The coloring plant colours by superposition.

So the color of your lengths may be too dark and your roots will look color lighter.


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