Green clay is an amazing health and beauty product.
Used by many civilizations, clay is a natural rock material.
It comes in various colours, depending on the concentration of ferric oxides it contains.
Green clay is the most commercialised, due to its high mineral and silica content.
But what exactly is green clay? What are its benefits for the hair and body?
What are the hazards to consider and precautions to take when using it?
Reading this dossier will give you the answers to these questions.
A word about clay
Clay is a natural material that originates from the decomposition of volcanic source rocks, i.e. the surface layers of the earth's crust.
The decomposition and crystallisation of these rocks produces a material with remarkable properties.
Clay is rich in silica - between 50 and 60% - and essential minerals, the proportions of which vary according to its origin.
Its many benefits for health, beauty and well-being have attracted attention since ancient times.
And what about green clay?
Green clay is the best known and most commonly used.
Green clay is a natural product from a soft feldspathic sedimentary rock.
It is a material rich in minerals such as alumina silicate and trace elements such as iron, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.
Therefore, it has always been used in medicine and aesthetics.
In addition, there are different types of clays whose colour varies according to the chemical state of the ironin them.
Regardless of the type of clay chosen, silica is the main component.
This is important because it is an important component of the human body's tissues.
It contributes to strong ligaments and joints, healthy skin and teeth, strong nails, hair, blood vessels and bones , and a healthy immune system.
Green clay comes in two main forms: green clay illite and green clay montmorillonnite.
They have many similarities, but some differences as well.
What are the applications of illites?
These clays, which are characterised by theirhigh absorption capacity, are mainly used in the field of beauty, applied externally in the form of masks.
Anti-oedematous, it is particularly recommended for removing toxins and water from the tissues and for applying poultices to the skin.
They are particularly suitable for combination or oily skin.
It is rich in iron and has a low alumina content and a higher amount of calcium salts.
It can also be taken orally.
What are the applications of montmorillonites?
These are very pure clays very purerich in magnesium and highly concentrated in silica: between 50 and 60 %.
It has a lower absorption capacity than its northern cousin
These are the most frequently used for health and beauty health and beauty. They have a remineralising and detoxifying action.
They are used either by absorption, diluted in water, or externally in the form of masks, plasters or poultices.
Their regenerating, remineralising and revitalising properties make them suitable for many healthapplications.
In beauty, they are also suitable for all skin and hairtypes.
Green clay in practice
Its benefits are countless.
Indeed, its virtues are numerous because of its absorbing properties.
It retains liquids and gases and eliminates toxins.
It has an antiseptic and bactericidal action and healing and soothing properties.
For your health Green clay: as a mask, poultice or internally, diluted in water, green clay promotes the healing of sprains, calms diarrhoea, soothes aches and pains, relieves the symptoms of sinusitis, reduces haematomas, relieves scratches, cuts and bites and heals infected pimples.
This is why, for your beautyGreen clay has detoxifying properties.
It regenerates weakened tissues and is an effective healing agent that rebalances the skin's pH. It is also used to treat oily hair and to whiten teeth.
Moreover, green clay can be found in various forms: dried, in powder or in pieces, in tubes or jars in the form of a paste or in capsules, as a food supplement.
Indeed, clay is an edible product.
Kept away from moisture and light, green clay has an unlimited unlimited life span.
Green clay for hair
The benefits and virtues of green clay for the hair come mainly from its high silicon content, a mineral that helps to strengthen its structure and that of the nails as well.
Thanks to its absorbing and purifying properties, it restores shine to dull and devitalized hair.
Green clay comes to the rescue of people who suffer from greasy, shiny hair.
It rebalances and purifies the scal p andabsorbs excess sebum.
Therefore, it helps to fight the problem of oily dandruff.
It can be used internally as a drinkable solution or externally as a mask.
Biocoiff' 3 Clay Shampoo-Mask
The shampoo mask with three clays that Biocoiff' offers allows to purify the hair and the scalp gently because it is mixed only with entirely natural products.
It is important to detoxify your hair and scalp at least once a month from pollution, styling products and the natural secretions of your scalp.
This allows them to air out, breathe better and be more receptive to care.
It is a real complement to the use of hair products such as shampoo or conditioner.
The 3-clay mask shampoo will find its place in your bathroom!
You will love it
Green clay for the skin
Green clay's exfoliating, astringent and antibacterial properties, as well as its richness in silicon and zinc, help individuals with oily, combination and acne-prone skin to get rid of certain skin problems.
It regulates sebum secretion, reduces the appearance of pimples and blackheads, tightens pores,eliminates impurities,reduces wrinkles and fine lines,accelerates healing, fights acne and mattifies the skin.
The most common way to apply green clay to the skin is as a mask.
Recipe for a homemade mask :
You can make one at home by mixing three tablespoons of green clay, the same amount ofwater and a drop of tea tree oil, an essential oil known for its antifungal and antiseptic action.
Spread on your skin and leave on for 10 minutes.
Moisten as you go, as the mask should not dry out.
Green clay in capsules for the body
In addition to its benefits and virtues as a mask for the skin and hair, green clay is also suitable for internal use, particularly in the form of capsules.
This method of administration revitalises, stimulates, disinfects and remineralises the organs.
In short, to clean the body from the inside out thanks to its rich composition of minerals and trace elements.
People suffering from anaemia will see this type of clay as an ally because its antiseptic properties help to eliminate pathogenic blood elements, reconstitute red blood cells and compensate for mineral deficiencies.
People who suffer from diarrhoea are also well advised to use green clay internally, as it is able to stop the proliferation of bacteria and restore the optimal functioning of the intestinal flora.
And thanks to its soothing properties, it plays an effective role as a gastric dressing for irritations and ulcers of the digestive tract.
For these reasons, a green clay cure a few times a year is recommended to detoxify the body and avoid possible deficiencies.
Its dangers and the precautions to take before using green clay
Despite all these benefits, green clay remains a powerful product.
Hazards in internal use
Which can therefore have adverse effects, mainly when used internally.
For internal use, people with high blood pressure, constipation, intestinal obstruction or hernia should avoid ingesting green clay.
It is also not recommended for pregnant women and young children.
In all cases, ask your doctor for advice, as the adsorption capacity of clay can neutralise the active ingredients of medicines.
Therefore, its use should be avoided during the treatment period.
It is also not recommended to consume fats during the hours following the ingestion of clay.
As it does not mix well with the latter, it may cause an undesirable chemical reaction in the body.
Finally, it should be consumed in moderate quantities to avoid constipation.
Despite the fact that green clay is a natural product, its potential for danger, if used inappropriately, is present.
Whether the product is applied or ingested, certain precautions must be taken.
Hazards in external use
For external use, people with sensitive and dry skin should refrain from using this type of clay for face masks.
For good results, they should opt for a softer clay (such as white clay).
The experts at Biocoiff' Hair Salon recognise the many benefits of clay for the hair.
This is why they do not hesitate to offer their customers, in addition to the three-clay mask shampoo in preparation for coloring , as mentioned at the beginning of the dossier, the highlight mineral with white clay, which lightens the hair in a subtle way, without altering it.