At Biocoiff', we have over 5 years of expertise in coloring and and have treated the hair of hundreds of women.

But for those who are still hesitating, we have decided to write a complete dossier to give them as much information as possible on the benefits of colorings .


colorings 100% natural


These 5 years of experience in the coloring bio and plant breeding have enabled us to see two things.

Firstly, we have seen the immense damage caused by colorings chemicals on the scalp.

On the other hand, we were able to realise the benefits thatcolorings or could have on the plant-based hair.

In addition to caring for the hair in depth, these 100% natural colours restore shine, volume, and scalp content. Clients who have tried colorings plant-based have never gone back to chemicals again.


What are the differences between colorings and colorings ?

Because pictures are better than words, we have made a clip explaining the differences between plant-basedand chemical colours:

In contrast to chemical colours, colorings does not penetrate the scalp, but rather coats and sheathes it. 

Thus, the main difference is the non-penetration and therefore the non-denaturation of the scalp.

At Biocoiff', we respect the nature of the hair and accompany its evolution with natural products.


How can I be sure that coloring will work on my hair?

At Biocoiff', when a client comes to see us at the salon or asks us for a box color, we take the time to analyse the nature of her hair and the color she wants to obtain.

In addition, we make a personalised diagnosis and tell her exactly what she can expect.

Then, we generally go through a "hair purification" phase, or rather "detoxification", which is a phase during which we are going to thoroughly clean the hair of all the chemical products that have become embedded in it.

This phase is necessary for the proper taking of the coloring .

Indeed, in order for the color plant to settle properly, it is necessary to prepare the ground.


colorings plant-based Do they last?

We have been asked this question a lot both by women who are interested in colours plant-based.

Theanswer in pictures:

If you have any further questions or would like to make an appointment with Biocoiff', please do not hesitate to contact us:
01 45 85 91 09