This visual sums up the Biocoiff' approach: to make people think about the effects of hair products on the health of the hair and on health in general.

What do you prefer for your hair?

This is a question that women are only just beginning to ask themselves. After years of thoughtless use of hair products, there is now a real awareness that what is put on the head is not without consequences, neither on health nor on hair quality. With the movement launched by Biocoiff', asking what is best to put on the head has become a reflex for many people.

It all starts with the colorings chemicals...

The awareness that colorings chemicals could have negative effects was the starting point for the birth of Biocoiff'. Charley, the founder of Biocoiff s creator, became interested in alternatives to these hair and scalp damaging products early on and discovered the colorings plant-based. This is a completely different technique that you can understand in this video:


...let's move on to shampoos.

Since its creation in 2007, Charley, wanted to create its own range of shampoos. Noting that in the organic shelves there was always a compromise between quality and efficiency, it was necessary to create a range of products containing quality ingredients and at the same time showing visible effects on the hair. All this with the expertise of the hairdresser.

Several years of reflection and testing have resulted in a complete range that meets all needs: dry hair, thin hair without volume, oily hair, normal hair, dehydrated hair and an after-shampoo.

Find the whole range of Biocoiff' shampoos on the online shop.

In summary, it's all about choosing what you put on your head: ask around, if you have itching, allergies, hair loss, maybe the products you are using are not suitable for your hair type and testing gentler, more natural products would be better.

Don't hesitate to share Biocoiff' in your favourite social networks and spread the word about it.
